A strong global brand
Supplier services
For our trusted network of food suppliers and producers, MWT Foods offers strong representation in the global market. Our pioneering history and continued growth in the food business is built on innovative and lasting partnerships with quality suppliers all around the world.
We stand behind our products and food supply partners. Working in partnership with suppliers and buyers, our food supply solutions create opportunities and longevity in the market for our products.
Through MWT Foods, suppliers have a single point of access to multiple buyers. Our expertise in sales, logistics, imports and exports drives reliable, quality outcomes for our partners.
We make sure our food supply partners benefit from our strategic advice and industry networks.
Join our trusted network of suppliers
By joining our Approved Supplier Program, suppliers can take advantage of our multi-product, global market presence, with access to quality buyers and new opportunities.
Our quality assurance program creates a clear framework for suppliers to meet industry regulations and deliver on the market’s expectations for safe, accredited food products.
We support and promote our partners’ best practice in global food safety.
grower services
We support the macadamia industry through comprehensive services to selected partners, including farm owners and investors.
Our commitment to the food industry
MWT Foods is committed to the evolution of the food industry in Australia and internationally. Through our own business innovation and contributions to industry organisations, we work in partnerships to influence change and sustainability.
MWT Foods is an executive member of the International Nut and Dried Fruit Foundation Council (INC) and The Australian Macadamia Society, and a founding member of the ‘Nuts for Life Australia’ health education initiative.

MWT Foods partners with trusted suppliers all over the world.
Contact us to talk about how we can represent your product in the global market.